Sunday 9 March 2014

The trip

Teddy gos on a trip 
Teddy and his tea pot was going on a plane to South America .teddy did not like going on a plane be cause he as look at a lot of TV  
Both got on the place there were enjoying the plane ride went it bump wo what was that said teddy a lady said that's turbulent and it's ok.
The  captin said please put on your seatbelt we are go to do emergency landing before the capin could say anything teddy and tea pot was falling out the door still in there chairs HELP HELP zzzzzzzzzzzbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrttttyyyy said teddy.
It was very cold and wet and teddy didn't know we're he was he could here lots of animals and big enormous yellow eyes .maybe I am in the amazon jungle .

The next day ?
Teddy was so sleepee he went to get up when his leg got stuck on something WHAtTS '! That aaaaaaaaa get off r  he's eating my leg .
Teddy run this way and that way and then he fall down a drak drak hole were he could see something but couldn't see what it is. He look in his pocket for a light but it was broken.He put he's hand out to touch it but it move so fast teddy didn't see we're it was but there was a large prickly rough nest in the hole that teddy was in.
He was thinking what it could be .?

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