Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Need know how

ToDavid  Cameron prime Minister

people with learning difficulties.we find it hard to read so we cant vote there is no information for people with learning difficulties how to vote so we can vote for the right people that we feel he is doing the best job that we understand .
There is a group in Camden .do easy info and they all have learning difficulties they have one helper to help and maybe they could do an easy info leaflet have to vote for people with learning difficulties and in easy read so we can understand and be a part of your society and be able to vote maybe you could talk to them

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Did you know

I was looking through my email and come across this great news
Apps for dyslexi or dyslexa 
There's a lot of them to get it great 
Because all the time I have bin in difficuilty in getting y words may life with be easy