Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Living in the community

Being living in the community with a disability and then learning difficulty is a good idea 
But Government have failed the people living their environment and needs to look after  them who are already there .
once we are in the community as the people we live around  I know a family that has neighbours on both sides of them and they are bullied mostly every day and they are prisoner in their own home with the government people like to live life of this .community needs to be a community not fighting 
so the problem not that they have guns is how they act towards people with learning difficulties and disabilities we have been around for years it's about
Time to get it right .
learn to know who we are and live with us 
we are all people with different things the community is meant to be nice not violent not bullyed .
bullying is been around for years and for us to live in the community we need to live like everybody else and the government needs to sort it out

Monday, 10 November 2014

Please leave our building a loud

Too many buildings are being knocked down we know we need for places to live but we also need a little too local shops that you take keep take away 
shops away please leave them as we need them there important to the environment is to keep people happy where we can buy things by taking a shop you make the environment sad we will live in a field with nothing body people then you'll be happy mint will live in a field with nothing

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Sport for all

You like to some kind of spot like football 
Tennis badminton basketball hockey gymnastics horse riding rugby boxing 
Table tennis Snooker ice hockey ice-skating -five aside football -American football rounders skipping cricket bowls hurling cyclingfishing flying disc golf golf rock climbing climbing walking sport running Long distance running triathloncombat sport wrestling canoeing sailing snow sports water sking shooting sprots sticky ballgame polo tag games  rowing surfing underwater composition swimming diving and there a lot more 
All we like to do is the jim (exercise session)The games curling bowls and do Danceing -tai chi tai chi and to this we need some were to do it .
We go to sprots centre but they alway over book guess what oyes that groups not important enough to keep this place not given any were to play their games one we heavenly and their hall where we would put them they could go as for all the equipment they said they can't go there that's what always happens we always get left out .
that just because we don't have the same value that you think we don't have just pushes around we do have filling we are people just like you being pushed around stop pushing us around every week it being happying society keeps pushing us out.