Meanwhile Mrs Snell was getting the children ready to go out the door 3 children made their way to the garage and Mrs snail follow this holiday was in 2010 we are now in 2014
Mr Snell got to the car and started the engine he drove out the garage and Mrs snail and the children would just coming out the gate of the house he pulled in front of said come home quickly we very late.
We're going to miss our flight said Mr Snell I'll be there shortly you know it takes me awhile to get moving .we forgot the cases said the children so we can't go back now it will take a very long time to get to the house.
Mrs snail jumped in the car very fast it was the fastest ever move .
we drive to this the airport we parked the car nearest to where the plane is so we can get to it won't take so long finally we got in the plane and were off on holiday hours a wonderful time we are having we send postcards all over the place is so good here soon be time to come back.
I think I forgot to shut the door said 1 of the children never mind .